Here's the deal. I have walked 32k thousands steps today. Which equates to slightly more than twelve miles, which equates to a little more than hm, let's see, sixteen plus 3.2 miles which gets us closer to 19.5 kilometres. And the day is not done yet, we're going to be out and about in thirty minutes, probably going to involve some jumping around (one hopes) so I could be up by a few hundos or thou by that time. Since I started keeping track a year ago of my daily step count, this is by far the most I've walked. It's not even a hiking day or one of those special occasions, just another productive day in a big city, and I'm fuckin' lovin it. It means that I've sort of smoothed out the average for the week to make up for the two days of the week where I lets say...underperformed... in terms of walking. Makes me feel incredibly accomplished. Also, a realization has dawned upon me. Getting up to 50k steps a day, which would be maybe 25ish mile (aka 40 freakin' kilometres) would not be a big deal at all if things are kept up. Not impossible to do it on a weekly basis, or biweekly at worst if the legs and the legs are not up for it.
What a great practice this is for the PCT, I'm super duper excited. Here's to hoping that I keep this trend of reaching new heights and records of walking, all as a practice for my through hike across the country, and am able to keep increasing until I can do a hundo k steps as a matter of not-a-big-deal. Just chill and hundred k. Food and water prepared, keep walking. What a life that would be. Imagine being somebody doing that on a...hmm maybe not on a weekly basis because I don't feel like walking at 6am until midnight every saturday or sunday but maybe every week. Yikes. All the good emotions and vibes and hormones I'd get from that. So horny for those horny-mones, honh honh, that's a hormone pun folks.
Yeah, thank you all for the accolades, I tried hard, got here and do even better and make you prouder as the days go by!
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