The sun's taking mojo out of the best of us

 The problem with the insane heat around you is yes you're sweating like a porkypig and you don't want to do anything or go out and nobody does either and you should technically be glad that there's sun out and about and water's nice and warm to swim and take advantage of the Sun but it's not rained in weeks and months and honestly you do kind of miss the terrible weather of the pacific northwest you realize you would rather have that than this unyielding murderous Sun and more importantly you don't get hungry anymore you have no motivation to do anything because the heat has sapped all the energy and motive and you don't even want to cook despite buying everything you have ever wanted in your kitchen it just feels like cooking is going to only make your AC-less place warmer and more miserable, all for what, to get yourself warm food and not much else, you'd be better off just eating something from the fridge like the kefir you made or fruits or snacks, really anything but the warm food. You'd like to be able to think and at least go on short pleasurable walks during the day but leaving the comfort and safety of one's above before seven or eight in the night is fraught with danger, the air blows only hot loo, there's nothing to be gotten by being beaten to submission by the sun sizzling your skin, not an exaggeration, you can hear it and it's awfully painful when you're recovering back home a few short hours later then you realize for every hour you're out in the sun you actually need to rest two back home because your body needs to repair all cells that died and make sure your brain understands it's not awfully traumatized, that things re alright and actually recoverable.

Then there's the guilt of not interacting with near and dear ones, not writing, not watching anything good or being productive, just sitting in front of the fan trying to make sure you don't pass out of heat and exhaustion, like a base being who's completely surrendered to the whims of mother nature, with not an ounce of control over any variables, really this should have been something that one could have fixed somehow, maybe swamp coolers maybe go to the library or to work where there's ac but we didn't any of those, our choices have come to haunt us and live with them we must, no matter the cost because the sun still beats like a crazy mass-murderer outside, taking thousands of lives in Sourthern Europe and threatening to cause great damage around these parts too. It's not and simple around where we are, but we're not too far off.

This must end, let the winds of winter and misery and snow and rain come back so we may gain back some sanity, we didn't wish upon an asshole genie who misinterprets wishes in the least charitable way and turns them to curses basically, what a terrible idea.

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