Walk to SLU, long await, boating!, almost fallen, tired from the sun, catchup with a friend, unexpected hangout, watermelon, friedrice and sadheko doritos dinner [Sun 24]

In the morning I got ready, cooked showered and walked to South Lake Union. As expected I waited for 45 minutes for the rest of the gang to show up, we lined for 30 minutes maybe before it was our turn. I took the paddleboard, for the first time. It was quite an experience.

The good news was I didn't drop into water and die. Or drop into water at all. The ok-ish news was I did fall down from a standing position to sitting position. And it took me a while to get the directions right, considering it was incredibly windy and choppy, I lost touch with the rest of my group. As a result I boarded all the way to SLU proper, checked if anybody I knew was there, and boarded back, ending my ride 20 minutes before it should have ended. Then waited for another hour to wait for everybody else to finish.

Got super tired but AR(e) kindly offered to drop in our neighborhood, on the way I saw Sk so stopped the car and ran after him, for twenty minutes because turns out he walks pretty fast. Finally got caught up and handled the doggo while he got groceries. Hung out in his place for a couple of hours before calling it a night. Conversation started really souring when he started making p-adjacent things that should get people in trouble.

I thought i wasn't really hungry. Then I ate like half a watermelon. Thought that'd be it. Then I ate all the leftover friedrice from the day before. Figured that'd be the end of my hunger. Nope. Chopped up onion garlic green onions ginger, mustard oil etc and crunched up doritos plus kefir and made doritos sadheko too. Because why not. Tomatoes obviously. It felt healthy okaaay?

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