Waiting for A at CapHill stop in the morning, driving range shenanigans, golf injuries, egg and bruschetta dinner, latenight at Volunteer park, Calanderson hang with AR(e) [Sat 9]

Got up ready for golf early in the morning, waited forever for A at the CapHill station while talking to a very disturbed friend. Discovered a bird's nest there had been destroyed, a few eggs fell down and broke.

I used the driver to hit my shots this time around, was about 70% accurate. Didn't realize at the time but because I didn't stretch before and didn't focus on my posture t all, my arms and lower back was to hurt terribly for the several following days.

Returned back with A who informed me that he'd bought tickets to Minneapolis for that evening the night before, and he'd be back in a few weeks. It was a bit of a bummer, but that's how things go sometimes.

In the evening I made myself a nice large omlette with bruschetta and cheese in it.

Went to walk at Volunteer park, and hungout with AR(e) until midnight just chatting in the park.

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