Rajubabu gets the ticket

"Sir you are the legend in this areas, everybody respects you to the utmost, there is not a single person child or an old man who can come even close to you in the amount of respect you command from everybody here. Even though they are quite cynical of politicians, they say ohh politics is a dirty game, politicians are all corrupt but when you come they treat you like a god, they have only good things to say about you."

"No no Mandal sir not at all, it is only with your blessing and everybody from the party that I am where i have, the love is only the reflection of what they feel about the party and what you have achieved over all this years. I'm merely an idol, the people understand the gods don't live in the stone they live everywhere, I'm the stone, the party is the real heaven, you all are the real gods. Destroying the stone doesn't kill the belief, doesn't kill the gods the public understands that quite well."

"It is only your generosity towards us that makes you say that, if we go out there without you, they won't give us a second look, they will say, did you not loot us enough in the last election that you have come to beg to us again, and what do you want to loot from us now, do you want our houses, our daughters too? They will only scold us if we go all by ourselves. We are naked hajur, we are naked without you, you are the clothing that can hide our shame from the people, the party is a naked child without you. So would you please consider taking the ticket from our side, it was a matter of misunderstanding when those in the district bureau didn't immediately offer you the ticket when you entered. The other young brothers, they'll manage, there are many seats to run, politics is a long game it is not like a bank robbery that you need to run away right now. Without you all our other tickets are worthless, you are the baraha boar that will carry the weight of the world, and our party, please respectfully don't reject our request"

"As a youth leader Mandal sir I understand the importance of youth myself, and it is good for the party and the people to standup young men even besides me, they will gain experience, they will understand politics, they will run better campaign next time. I wouldn't want to cause a fraction in the party by going back"

"No worries, that's not a worry at all, our young brother has respectfully already rejected the candidacy in your favor, saying running against would be foolishness, and he respects you too much to contest against you anyway. And even for you sir, running in a new party doesn't give you your full position, from within the party you can form stronger coalition, influence the central committee better, and they are saying the central committee chairman election is coming too, you know we have all our hopes on you, the rising tide does raise all the ship. We have bound all our fates in your cart sir please don't kick us down like that'

"It is very generous for you to offer me this opportunity, I will consider the offer seriously and call you back in thirty minutes in your phone, if you don't mind. Until then I will discuss the matter with my family and see what they have to say on the matter."

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