Heatwave, once again, is kiling us all

 Seattle weather has gotten out of control.

The past week saw almost every day get hotter than 32C in its hottest, which is quite insane for a city generally known for being chilly and cold. The fact that there's no AC in most of the older buildings -- including mine -- only adds to the pain. The heatwaves have become the accepted part of weather pattern, and what was once once-in-alifetime or once-a-decade event is becoming an annual thing. This cannot last.

It's come to such absurd scenario that I'm now missing the rain and the gloomy weather of the city, because if it just rained the temperatures would go down and we'd get some relief from the killer heat. But the rainclouds are nowhere to be seen, I don't think it's rained in the last two months, when we needed rain the most. Such a disappointing occasion.

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