But it's also good to go out sometimes

But sometimes,
Not even at night,
And not for getting boozed
Or even for social butterflying
One wants to take the neck out
And see the world,
From a different angle, a dangerous one
But with a separate perspective,
It doesn't always help,
But when you can get out
And be somebody else
Just for a short while
While still comfortably yourself
You appreciate your being, always
And also,
You understand how different flowers
Make a garden,
Not just the most colorful ones,
Seasons change, blooms change
And you understand a flower
In one season is a different
Entity in another
And aren't we all
Just tiny little flowers
Looking for water
And the fertilizer
That is
So much love.
So go, go out into the world
And help a thousand flowers bloom
Beaming, shining, bright
Of their ability to touch the sky
And even when they don't,
You will see how precious they are,
And what a precious flower,
Your existence is,
My little flower.

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