Summertime is fruitfly time

It's the peak of summer, which means juicy sweet fruits, sweating, swimming and unfortunately, fruitflies, who will feast on the leftover/throwaway fruits and cause big nuisance all over the apartment, even if you're taking the trash out every day or so. It's a big hassle, and they can hide and feed in nook and crannies, like a big stinkin' turd you can smell but can't quite pinpoint and it'll bother you for the rest of the season. I've never found one single means to defeat them, the classic vinegar and sugar solution does work but goes only so far in eliminating them entirely. And you can't really deal with them by killing them one at a time, you gotta disrupt their breeding cycle, which is tough when you live in an old apartment with so many goddamn nooks and crannies where yes once you might have dropped something and you can't get to it anymore you thought it was gonna be fine because you were an adult and had figured out somehow, magically to get rid of them because they didn't show up last summer and you think it was maybe the scented candles and essential oils but they're back this time. Maybe because you didn't put on the scented candles and essential oils this season? So there you go, trying yet another strategy to get off those mooching munchers, ugh.

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