In fashion: mustache only facial hair

 I've been noticing in my neighborhood that big thick mustaches with no other facial hair, short hair with caps, and shorts shorts are the new rage for men these days. And uhh wifebeaters too but we'll kinda' not talk about them, don't like the name etcetera.

And you know what, I'm so into it. I hate long shaggy beard, hated the hipster woodcutter look and my facial hair never got straight and clean. But with mustache, yeah I can get it thick and fertile, and yeah i can shave the rest of my face every two days. And yes I have so many frickin' shorts and I work out so it's not too bad, plus the baseball cap hides my balding pate. Yum yum yum.

I'm finally trendy, and it happens that what's trendy is also my preferred personal style. This is a sign from the universe methinks.

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