Review: PN's homegrown tomatoes

Note for future me: I'm writing all of this in mid-November because I feel bad about not writing a thing during my VA trip.

I spent a night at PN's house setting up their wifi plugs -- it was hellish and I'll write about that in the following post -- but before I left their place to go back to ED's, I picked about a pound-and-half of their summer tomatoes. The vines had withered away but the tiny tomatoes were red as wine and heavy with the juices, ready to burst their yummy goodness into the world.

AD made achaar out of those tomatoes two days later.

And goddamn, that achaar was the best fucking achaar of tomatoes I've had in recent memory. It made me realized all the tomato achaar I've ever made in the US uses tomatoes as a filler, as a texture basically, and doesn't bring it out at all because the toms here don't taste like anything. Unlike those ridiculously yummy little suckers.


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