At home all day long, minor writing, getting projects prepped, visiting family, trying my goodies, nice home-cooked dinner, great mirth and enjoyment, trouble sleeping, travel plans [Sun 30]

 Was home all day long, didn't do much. Wrote some, cleaned some, got all of my fermentation projects setup, and got some of the packages ready for taking as gift. Made hummus out of my last bit of fermented dal, and it was okay, ate it in sandwich form.

Started talking to a new friend from the UK, we're having trouble figuring out the app for the prefect communication, bummer but whatever.

In the evening got all my goods ready: a bottle of massive chhyang, kefir, and kombucha. I could have walked to belltown but took the train, which fucked me dearly as it came in and departed a minute before the predicted time. Then I missed the bus I could have taken to make my journey considerably shorter. Got to ND's place, which is opposite of AR's place, and met family from Nepal.

Lots of laughing, eating, making fun of each other, etcetera. They graciously tried all of my goodies. The entire family of five appreciated etcetera. Because I had work early in the morning, headed out 10.15 when the younger brother dropped me in his car.

I should have slept but couldn't for unknown reasons, so I was ambling about really trying hard to force myself to sleep. And in the middle of all of this I was planning travel into Cook Islands, New Zealand and Europe, eventually Europe made the most sense. This is also when I was making LA travel plans that was soon abandoned because my friend who I'd be crashing with wasn't available.

Fell asleep very, very late.

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