- Make rich people pay more taxes! That way you can use that money to make lives better, and more upwardly mobile for poor people! Why doesn't everyone use this weird trick!?!
- Increase the cost of fuels to include the externalities they have on the planet! If it costs five times as much, so what, people would stop using less of it! IF it increases the cost of everyday items, it just means everyday items were being subsidized!
- Don't let anybody get rich! Rich people are bad, as is commonly known. So if you tax people enough so they don't get rich, they'll never be bad! And you can use that money for the good of the society!
- Force companies to do whatever the employees say! What's so hard to understand that? Companies are made of people, and people pay taxes. Ergo, if you want taxes, you need to empower people. Companies work for people, not the other way round, so have all companies run by their employees! All problems solved!
- Punish greedy companies! Companies don't need so much profits! Have them stop making profits, and give them to poor people or employees instead! The whole society profits!
- Free education for all, everywhere, no questions asked! Lodging and boarding included! Do I even NEEED to say anymore?
- Free healthcare for all, and free medication too! Everything is covered, and no procedure is excluded. ALL SOCIAL ILLS DONE!
- No more houses. No new construction for 50 years! Nature heals, evil companies don't profit, normal people are able to afford houses, existing homeowners can rely on them as good investments. It's only good side-effects people, why nobody does this is beyond us!
- Rent Controls. Everywhere. Fix rents to today's money for 25 years. Done. Evil landlords suffer but who cares they're already swimming in money, poor people get great deals, and society becomes the ultimate utopia.
- No immigration. America is for Americans, AMIRITE folks!?!
Here are the ten solutions to all the problems and everybody else is just too stupid to figure it out
FYI.This is sarcasm.
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