Sleep issues are here again and I might know what's up finally

 This is very much related to one of the previous posts where I complained about summer lethargy and the need to go to the library to avoid the associated laziness.'s come with another cost, which is completely and totally fucking over my sleep cycle. Because it's bright and hot in the evenings at 10, I can't go to sleep on time. Which means I can't get up at 6 fully refreshed. That means I'm bad at my job and also not relaxed the entire day. Which means I will nap in the afternoon, also thanks to the heat, Which means I'll work in the evening to make myself feel better, Which means my evening sleep gets further messed up and the cycle continues.

This has been the issue for many years now, way before my blog started, but I've been documenting this for a long time and now it's clear what's causing it: it's the heat and the brightness. And the solution to it is to just sleep on time, force yourself, and to cool oneself during the day by going to places with AC. Like a Library. Easy solutions, wonder if they're going to be actually implemented.

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