What to do next

Is this a poem
Or just strangely written prose who even knows
It doesn't matter all I care is to get my feelings out.

Here's the situation
I'm in a state of great confusion
With little to guide or show me the light
I need somebody to tell me what is wrong and what is right
And not just in life, in the abstract sense, non no no
A religious reader I'm looking for not
What I need is a confidant and a friend
Somebody to see my position and tell be the right way ahead
Of the conundrum I've put myself in
which is
which of my principles should I give on in.
I don't have too many of them to start
But the very few I do have led me to a path dark
I still believe them and abide them there is no doubt
But as a matter of expediency some must be thrown out.
Do I give in and get on social media,
And lose my sleep day and night
For a platform I don't even know how to use right
Or should I give away my other flexibilities
And limit my possibilities to meet people to a minimum
Perhaps I could
all of  a sudden
Be an outgoing of a man
Dancing fencing and prancing
Meeting new people every week day and night?

Or perhaps I go along
With things as they are
and give up on my rule
To not spend money
To not become the son
Of the culture i was born in
I want control, I want choice
But if I don't have other way,
I might have to surrender all of those
Without even thinking twice
Not the best of circumstances I am in
But don't want anyone to disappoint.
Competing interests and people
I'm working for
In such a conundrum I have found myself never.


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