Samurai ramen and chinese baked goods with WC, chhyang processing, Greenlake chill and hang with comedy friend and friends, latenight home, objectionable things seen [Sun 16]

 I didn't write anything on Sunday because I was too busy, and then too tired by the time I got home in the morning.

Skipped golf in the morning because BC didn't want to go.

Went to Chinatown on the train, talking to NG and giving him career advice now that he's going to the UK for grad school.

Waited for 20 minutes for WC at this Japanese restaurant while on the phone, but their wait was 1hr-2 hrs, so we decided to go somewhere else. Unable to find a good place to eat, we ended up at Samurai Ramen where I had tofu rice bowl for lunch. It was alright. I don't want to say I could have done better, but if I had tried it's possible.

Later we went to the Chinese bakery I'd been earlier with AKy and spent like 35 bucks on yummy items. WC and I tried a bunch of them right on the park by the gate, then he dropped me home. I squeezed out a bottle of chhang real quick, packed the cookies and picnic blanket and took the train to Greenlake.

At Greenlake I met N, her husband who was my comedy friend, and their grad school friends. Great fun conversations were had for a couple of hours, the bottle of chhyang was easily finished. Plans were made to hang out again, and I was exhausted. I'd gotten there at 3.30 and by now it was 8.30.

Took the bus to UW, where I saw a man openly pissing on the street, yuk, does public urination and nakedness rules not apply to the homeless I wonder, and other homeless people being gross at the station, took the train home, and probably slept or something. I remember being really really tired, which can mean either I slept real easy or real hard.

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