Phonecall with a new friend, mozzarella tomato sandwich for lunch, watering plants, heavy writing, walk keeps getting delayed until it doesn't happen [Tue 18]

In the morning wasn't feeling like working and thought of calling day off but didn't end up doing it because ack worth at least giving a shot right, I thought.

Had phonecall with a new friend in the morning, at first it was hard to stretch it out but it got easier as time went. Not a terrible call all things considered.

Kept working until later than usual. Made mozarella tomato pesto sandwich for late lunch.

Watered my plans in the afternoon, and wrote a decent amount.

Thought of going out for walk, but it was too hot, and then got distracted by something or other, until the walk didn't happen at all. I've noticed all my summer walks in July end up like that. Like I claim I want to go on a walk but something or other comes up and it never happens. Such Bs. Ahh.

What else? Don't remember a think from later in the evening, even though I'm writing this only two days later. Got that one photo ugh. This was definitely one of those 'zip by' days where everything is a blur. Could also have been the smoothie I just had but probs not.

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