Leftover ramen lunch, haircut finally, room clean vacuum and steam, phone talks, grilled cheese early dinner, accidental drunk again, just enough writing [Thu 20]

Writing this at 11.19 PM yes it's late to go to bed, but I've been...not in the best senses today okaay so gimme a break bud!

For lunch I had leftover ramen. Work was generally productive, though I do wish I'd be significantly more productive generally speaking.

Had call with various friends and family members during the day, including DD who's trying to set me up with her second cousin but it never works out somehow, ever.

Got a shower after work, went to get a decent haircut, took second shower of the day.

Cleaned, vacuumed and steamed my living room, it feels so so good now, forrealies.

Didn't write enough posts because I was so busy during the entire day.

In the evening I tried some of the leftover rice wine because I had to clean out the container and figured there was probably no booze left in there. Wrong! So much booze, I got a bit tipsy in a good way and didn't get anything productive done for the rest of the day!

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