Some friends need space, maybe, or maybe they're figuring themselves out

It's quite likely I've complained about this specific situations more than once here, but man some people, they tell you they'd like it if you guys talked more and got to know each other and there's not much else happening and you do the silly thing of taking people at their word and worrying about them and checking up on them and generally making sure they're alright but one gets the distinct feeling maybe they might have exaggerated their situation to get more attention, or perhaps they're so deep in figuring themselves out they've lost track of everything and everybody else not in their immediate vicinity, which is fine, but they shouldn't be surprised when the fact that they've gone down in the list of people's priorities is communicated to them. You either have time for people, or you don't, and sure everybody has rough patches here and there, but in the end what matters is how strong those threads of bond are, and with unclear communication and communication, they're only going to blow away in the winds of time like tattered old clothes...

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