Sparkling Ice update or something

 I got a 24-pack of Sparkling Ice drink (zero sugar) from Costco for around 12 bucks. I've written about the drink in the past, it's one of my favourites...the slim packaging and the number of calories make it my favourite so much so that I'll generally ignore the cancer-giving properties of it. And it was cheap, 50 cents a pop is way cheaper than a buck a bottle in regular places, and a third of what it costs at QFC.

I've been drinking a bottle or two every day. It's a bad habit I know and I don't really need need it, but it's around, and I have it so why not make the best out of the situation, that's my angle for the moment.

Plus, the bottles that are left after drinking? I've been taking the labels out, cleaning them thoroughly with detergent and water and drying them. When it's time for me to bottle my chhyang and other drinks, they will make incredibly nice-looking containers for gifting my homebrews to others.

This is so fun guys!

As I was writing this I did a bit of mental math and realized I'm 13 bottles done out of the 24 there were. Yikes. In less than two weeks. Gotta slow down hereon or there won't be any more.

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