The whole credit collection situation

 So right in the middle of my Virginia trip I find out my credit score is in a total and utter dump out of nowhere. I'm shocked and confused, afraid a little because what the hell could have happened to tank it by that much. My credit management is something I've been careful about and paid great attention to.

Turns out there's 118 bucks sent to collection. I call 'em to find out who sent to collection. They give my address and say it was the utility company in Boston. I text PK to inform him of the situation but the truth is I have no goddamn clue who messed up the payment. Either way I suck it up, pay it, and wait for seven years to get it out of my report. Don't care bout the money, as long as it's not effecting my score.

Thing is, it could be a scam. A very involved scam for certain, somebody would have had to create a credit collections agency (or hijack one) and identify my personal information, make a guess about my utility payment situation, make sure i'd never check, and then hit my numbers. There's a chance, but an unlikely one.

So regardless of who screwed it up, I paid out of pocket. And a month later turns out...everything is...fine? My score is back up to almost-normal after a massive dip. SO yeah what a fiasco for those two months, so glad things have been fixed.

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