Lazy morning, leftover lunch, hang with AKS(y), Volunteer park walk with audiobooks, GS and AK hang, dinner with P, evening writing, need to figure out travel arrangements [Sun 3]

I'm writing this on the evening of the same day, after finally catching up on the journal posts of the day, it's quarter past 11 and I should have gone to bed a long time ago, but ah well this is what one gets for having a uhh eventful day and an eventful weekend.

Got out of bed pretty late, trying to catch up on all the lost sleep from several days. Had leftover lunch and almost finished all the stuff that was in the fridge. AKS(y) came over from his friends and we hung out a bit, I went to Volunteer park for a 2-hr walk with audiobook on, so much productive listening happening, gonna be sooo smart, or realize people who read books aren't that smart because honestly listening isn't that different from reading and this listening hasn't been too different from listening to podcasts either, so by comparison reading books is not that much more demanding than listening to podcasts!

Came back home to find GS and AKS hanging out, talked to them for a couple of hours, they had had lunch from the fridge, glad that it was finishing as I had only a day to finish it all up.

Wrote a bit on this blog but was so so lazy it was out of control, talked to N from VA, and went to Bpmbay burger for dinner with P. Spent an hour and half talking to him and catching up, came back, chilled for a bit, forcing myself to write right now, after much procrastination. Now need to make travel arrangements and packing for the trip I'm making for a long time in omg, less than 32 hours!

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