Would it be a good idea to spend time with an old classmate?

Would it really be, I asked
even a good idea,
to hang out and maybe even date
someone you knew, kind of,
the sort of person like a classmate?
You were not friends, oh no,
And you guys barely ever talked
But oh what common friends you have
And even all the shared
But are they good, those points
of references,
Or maybe not much so, for they do say familiarity breeds contempt!
Add to that, your presence,
in different countries,
and the disparate life experiences,
is there going to be shame involved
an embarrassment of riches?
Oh how awful would it be
to have your heart broken, yet again
with such regularity,
what next to look forward to,
and what other remaining path to go?
Not that it matters, none of it does,
but still the constant heartbreak so hurts,
why put myself in such constant pain when there is such little in gain?

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