Hill walk for doobies, another Annapurna disappointment, latenight hang and chyang [Wed 12]

Quinoa, chickpeas and eggs for lunch, hill walk for doobies with sk, nibbles and ice cream at Annapurna with the boys, latenight hang with new tiktoker and gs

It is still Monday evening, and we're still an hour away from being done. This is not ideal, but the social-interaction vs writing thing is not new.

Lunch was had of quinoa, chickpeas and eggs. Work was easy because it was one of those days when you're supposed to do fun stuff.

In the evening, Sk and I headed out for a decent walk. We walked up and down the Broadway, then west of it, accidentally taking a wrong turn. Ended up at a dooby store where he got couple of joints. I tried a hit. Meh. Not a fan. Need to cut it out entirely, eventually.

Got dinner with Sk AY and GS at Annapurna. A is starting at tiktok soon. They were talking about monies far far too much, I was stressing the shit out. Keep telling sk to stop taking me to places where 'oo need to make so much monies' is the primary motif, but here we are.

I had minor pecks from everyone else's plate. An ice cream for me. Quite bad as usual.

Spent time until wee hours of the morning with them at my place, offered chhyang that they appeared to enjoy.

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