Volunteer-interlaken walk with friends, tacos chukis lunch, sandwich dinner, meghaduta illustration, evening sandwich [Sun 9]

 Big oat breakfast, friends come in, long midday walk, lunch at taco chukis, long time at the place, unable to be productive in the evening, cheese sandwich for dinner, illustrating meghaduta

Writing this on Thursday evening. We're getting caught up. At this rate I'll be all set in a day or two. Though with daytime naps, everything's upturned, so tricky times. Anywho, we'll move on.

This was a busy day. Sk and I had a big oats breakfast, and were planning the rest of the day (and talking nonstop about relationships, ugh). Friend B called and informed he and T would be here in 45 mins. So we got ready, and went with them to volunteer-interlaken parks, ended at broadway and had lunch at taco chukis. We spent like four or five hours, and all of that talking about relationships, finding partners and so forth. Was quite exhausted by the end of it... Also, folks really really liked tacos chukis, and sk ordered like three different rounds of entrees, after eating the previous, because he just liked it so.

In the evening I tried to write, but really really couldn't make myself do it. Instead, I did some significant amount of reading on hindu mythology. Then I did a pretty long and involved illustration of meghaduta. It was...pretty decent.

Had cheese sandwich for dinner, just cheese and bread, sk had rice leftovers from the day before.

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