Knee problems, probs

 I've been busy in the weekends. That means no writing. It leads to tiring evenings avoiding writing the following day. Eventually productivity goes down to zero. Alas. So much guilt, so much anxiety. So little writing. Is okay. Love love love, loving the self is the way of the world. Let's move. Today's goal is to write 20-25 posts, eat quick dinner, head for walk. If it's late, so be it. Walking on Mondays is crucial.

I went on 8-mile hike over the weekend. My knee was a little tired during the day, and in the two days since, the pain seems to be getting worse. Yoga classes technically started today -- I didn't register yet -- so that should help. It's clear that this ailment is a lifelong situation. I need to be more disciplined in following the instructions of the app.

Old age has hit, knee problems have bitten me in the rear. There is no running away, must take the bull of senescence by the horns.

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