Repotting and hydroponics

Those fuckers...basil and mint...are doing quite well in my hydroponic setup, at the cost of everything else. They're glugging the water I put in, two liters every week! Oregano is long dead, and rosemary never recovered from the initial run. I increased the light height because the herbs are getting lightburnt. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll have self-sustaining production of the two herbs. Does smell nice though.

I repotted my dwarf banana plant because apparently it's supposed to be several feet high, in two years? And I've had it for three and it's like a few inches taller than it was...I'll be replanting the nicer plants into their own pots because there's enough sharing now. The velvet pothos plants are doing better than ever, and even regular pothos are thriving.

I'll be fertilizing starting next week. Should have started in Feb, or never stopped doing it. Ah well, you learn.

Monsterra I don't understand. I got one a week ago and repotted lazily, and it's withering away. I have made a more serious attempt at replanting today. We shall see in the next few weeks how that goes.

Thinking of buying couple of pots and more soil and expand my plant collection. It's going to hurt like a mofo when I leave the city, but such is the nature of life. It ends and we lose everything yet with must live with vigor.

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