A battle scene

The tiny green men scuttered about the field, took to their positions, armed themselves and braced for impact. The other green men ran into the concrete barricade and dragged out wheeled platforms with thick barrells. They connected the platforms to centralised power unit and set up portable generators, making sure the redundant supplies were working as expected. The gunners surrounding had their fingers twitching against the triggers.

Another group of green men ran over and uncovered a green missile turret. Three rangers sat down to aim and fire, the anti-aircraft gunners checked with the turreteers ...two of them would be cover fire and the other two proactively targeting nearby aircraft. 

The air roared with the sound of the fighter jets. Faraway one could hear the loud explosion of the mines being set off. The heavy guns thundered and trembled as they showered destructive rounds upon the incoming armoured vehicles. The air stank of petrol gunpowder and raw blood. The mechanical roars and bullet thacks were punctured by screams, wails and sirens.

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