What do you call

Q: What do you call a plane full of attendees going to a large Cali city for kubecon?

A: There are multiple answers. Sausage fest. Schlongfest. Fiesta of the eggplant. Etc. You get the hint. It's all literally all dudes talking about programming stuff. There's no running away from it for th next four days. I could cry for help but the emt are bound to mention clusters or machines or AMIs and what have you considering where we're at. Still in Boston, it's 9.10 am and flights an hour away boarding should begin soon. I'm not sure how much fraternising I'll be doing beyond strict professional courtesies, this doesn't seem like a fun and diverse crowd but who knows maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. Hope is the only thing that keeps us alive stops us from falling into the void of insanity and despair. That tiny ray of hope of finding something interesting besides techie things is what's moving my gears right now 

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