Favourites favourites -- Sex and the City

Summary: I liked the show but SO MANY aspects were not executed well. It's not a timeless show.

We're watching Sex and the City for the first time a random season and episode at a time. Semi-roommate I introduced to us, I'm obviously a Miranda my favourite is Charlotte. Everyone but carrie who's the absolute worst, all the roommates agree with me on that.

The show suffers from mediocre writers attempting to write witty dialog where it's not warranted. The characters are middling it's the sex-having and the ridiculousness of it all -- Carrie losing her mind over a 25k check her Miranda losing partners because she tries buying them nice things Charlotte and her ridiculous stories the comically obtuse offensive jokes that I problem with not because they're bad but because they're so unfunny it's almost funny they ever thought it'd be funny, the writers have a good overarching theme and got reasonable actors to perform but the execution is ...if I may say so...ham-fisted.

The show is at its best when the four women get together talk about their antics drinking their Nooh Yawhk drinks throw overwritten zingers at each other. The tight seams fall apart during the women's interactions with their various -- conquests, question mark -- I'm told the show was 90's idea of white feminism but if that's the case why are the women so...bad at their interaction with men when they're so good? Maybe TV writers have improved in the last two decades maybe this was a case of men writing dialog meant for women maybe it's the intervening years that have changed expectations, whatever the reasons may be it's...not not great. The rate at which the characters escalate conflicts does not fit with the rest of their personas, all conflicts are jammed hard into the story.

This is a bigger compliment than it might first seem: I would definitely play this show in the background if there was nothing else happening and no one wanted The Office or Friends. That's about it. I can see how a show about four women taking control of their sex lives in the big city would have been a big thing in the late nineties, an era which seems prehistoric now in terms of how much has happened in the entertainment industry since. It's not edgy or exciting anymore, the show's weaknesses come clearly to the fore with the passing of the years. It's time for another all-female cast in a major sex comedy, but it's going to look very different from SATC.

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