The Grand Tour was a wild trip [Monday 11]

I'm writing this from the living room talking to roommates SM and PK. Semi-roommate I left a few minutes ago. We're planning for the weekend, PK is not sure if we want to spend both friday and Saturday evening. There might be a temporary roommate for winter months when SM is in Nepal and we're figuring out what the dynamics are going to be like. On one hand, we don't have enough women friends in our groups, on the other hand we could be bringing crazy psychopath into our household and this might end up with a triple homicide. That's not the worst-case scenario even.

Roommates are planning their NYC outings, having a tough time figuring out the living situation there, it's sad because I don't know too many people in the city either and the story is much-too-sad.

Talked to I about random stuff people did at college earlier, he made jokes about friends getting carried away and making out with each other and how he was so over it not that it's a big deal anymore. I felt bad about not being able to welcome him to the apartment too well, I was distracted watching the Grand Tour, the Jeremy Clarkson show in Amazon. It's a comedy travel show that also involves driving, not a car-show anymore. This is important to understand because people take their comparison and 'reviews' seriously, gotta understand it's a fun and comedy.

Watched through four episodes of the show, didn't to anything else. Had planned on a Wegmans or Aldi trip for this evening but my headlamp's disappeared so no Aldi trip and both my backpacks are at work, no Wegmans trip either. Looked up carsharing apps for a cheap ride to the stores, 8 bucks to and 8 back wasn't worth getting 25 dollars worth of groceries for. The last episode was an hour and a half long -- I was not expecting it to be as long as a full-sized movie -- the journey in Mongolia was riveting. The editing is tight, and hide the gross dirty parts at the right places so it's not a 3-hour slog of them getting stuck in one quicksand after another. Roommate BB has watched each episode multiple times and he's made us watch them, I'm glad about that because the show's grown on me slowly. I've never been a car guy but I could be just watching the show.

Got an egg-sandwich dinner with three different types of spreads because there wasn't anything else and I was too lazy to go to Wegmans. Wish I had gotten something interesting but the show I didn't mind.

Trip back home was onpoint and smooth, since it was veterans day the traffic was light and the trains empty. Got home at 5.10-ish, by the time I had dinner it was only 5.30. Should have spent all that time doing something better while watching the tv marathon.

Work was surprisingly shocking productive and feel good about that. Didn't get much written except the first few minutes of the day and the last few minutes, thought the real work went through so smoothly I'm almost suspicious of what might break. The work with our sister team is going incredibly well, might guide my direction with my team and our group at work. Looking forward to that.

Got last week's bean salad for lunch, didn't find it as filling as I did last week. Apple, banana and nuts for snacks, mood and hunger was quite stable. Listened to some solid podcasts this day, one of the reasons I'm beginning to like Mondays is because I get to listen to new episodes of all my shows.

Commute in the morning was fast because of the holiday, but not as quick as it could have been. Had planned to bike to Davis and take the red-line from there, just did the regular orange line instead because I didn't feel like it. Didn't get any work-breakfast because it was bagel-and-cream-cheese and Monday morning is not a great time to consume four-bread worth of carbs.

Got up early, lazed around till 7am spent inordinately long time showering and writing and dilly-dallying, didn't write too well, and rushed to catch the bus. Got super lucky with the bus because it got to the stop 5 minutes before the predicted time though in the end it ended up working against me because the bus that came after us reached Sullivan before we did and those in it took the earlier train. Good news bad news etcetera.

Talking to DC gang about what they're eating and making, excited to figure out where there experimentation goes. Talked to coworker from NP, PB she's making updates and have set up expectations for myself and her. Hopefully we'll be able to get it more structured. She comes up with these amazing ideas that I don't even think about, really proud to be able to work with her.

As I write this now, 20 minutes have passed since I began, roommates are talking mindfulness, the winter, freud, existentialism, music, workculture etcetera. Refraining from any sort of conversation.

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