Yet another milestone post - YAMP

This post will be the 1014'th one in the blog to get published. There are 30-ish more draft post that remain unpublished for one reason or another and they'll be getting cleaned up soon. I crossed the 1000-post line some time a few days ago without any fanfare or notice. What a big freaking deal. I'm not one for milestones, you may remember me saying from a milestone post last month (haah), but this is truly an occasion for celebration. I have done very few things consistently and regularly over time, and quite a lot fewer that I can claim to have done a thousand times.

My twitter account, when it existed had maybe 3000 tweets. That's it. My facebook page when I had one almost a decade ago (yikes it's really been that long!) had fewer than that. I haven't worked out for a thousand times all occasions combined. I haven't gone to the movies a thousand times. I (probably) haven't gone to eat out a thousand times. It's this blog here, right in front of your eyes, that's the only thing where I've gotten this far. Congratulations, congratulations to you to me and all of our well-wishers.

The first thousand posts took a bit more than ten years. Curious as to how long the next 1000 will take. It's possible it could happen in a tenth of that time -- if I keep this pace of writing for next year, it'll easily cross a thousand posts for the same year. That's an incredibly exciting and insane concept. Considering I have been averaging 2000-3000 words a day in my current writing sprint, that will mean I'll be writing a million words two or three times over, within a single year. They say the first million is the hardest. I wonder how hard the fifth million is. Or the tenth million.

This all does not mean I'm giving up on quality and focusing solely on the quantity, if that needs to be cleared up at all. It's just that for the last few years there was neither, and as I've been saying every day almost now a consistent quantity and build up a solid writing habit is important to develop before you can fully focus on actually becoming a good writer. Two million mediocre words are still a win over zero point zero words of nothingness.

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