To the cool coast! [Sunday 17]

7am. Got up. Ish. No idea when my plane ride is I need to get up seriously. I'm thinking it might be sometime in the afternoon.

7.10 : Ugh it'd be a shame to miss my flight because I was too lazy to open my laptop and check work email. Ten more minutes and I'll be up.

7.22 : Probably have some more time idk why I'm even stressing out so hard.

7.45: My flight begins check-in in an hour. Uh oh. Should get ready now. Need to pack up too but I'm already mostly prepared 

8.05: Tried walking up PK for his fifty percent discount but he's not home. Ordering a Lyft ASAP.

8.35: This is stupid. I hurried like a crazy person and I'm already in the security line and will be in soon. Of all the problems I foresaw for today, being too early for my flight was not one of them.

8.55: Supported the great Boston business Dunks by ordering their impossible sausage sandwich and hash browns. The impossible stuff doesn't taste like meat at all, has its own flavor profile. Are Dunks hash browns a tribute to lattkes because that's what they're like 

9.38 EST: Got on the plane, doing final catch-up. Lady next to me had three young children across the aisle it must be quite a task to keep them check

10.02 EST Took off.

1.40 PM EST: JC tells me his flight hasn't left when he was supposed to leave two hours earlier than me. He's spent eight fruitless hours in the airport and apparently will reach SD five hours after I do. In return they gave them a ten dollar meal pass that no one at the airport accepts

2.15 EST: Many people in JC's plane, like mine, are going to Kubecon too. Overheard a guy earlier who said his team was the only one in Google cloud hosting Microsoft VMs due to licensing issues and what not.

2.20 EST: Second round of drinks, tomatoes and water now. The three kids across the aisle are well-behaved.

2.50 EST: The guy sitting next to me is preparing a keynote presentation for he contributor summit. He's hard at work preparing for the presentation.

12.36 PT: we're four minutes from landing. 50 minutes earlier than scheduled landing

12.44 PT: Landed and waiting for the plane to leave the gate. They've taken away stairs thing away apparently so it should not be too long. Dear god how I need me some rest!

1.32 Got into the room, checked in early. The rooms nice but I got queen because I checked in early. Nbd. The hotel's really nice and has the very Mexicali architecture style. The receptionist at the lobby was really friendly. Apparently everyone here is for kubecon in the hotel.

Met a guy called Jonas and talked to him, he said there's 12000 attendees expected in the conference which blew my mind because I'd have imagined a fifth of that at most. He gave me great suggestions on how to get involved with contributing for kube.

On the Uber to the hotel met a guy who was attending the architect conference nearby. Apparently there's 10000 attendees in there too. Yikes, there's 22000 people in the city just for those two conferences!

3.44 Couldn't go to sleep, getting setting to eat. First meal in SD is going to be at dominos lol

4.05 Damn the half a Domino's pizza I had was so good

4.05 Notes on moving around in SD. So. Many. Scooters. People use them and they're in every corner of seems. Also public transport generally, there's a train line that runs a block away from us, and I noticed several buses in the short pizza run I was out for. Perhaps public transport is not as awful as I was led  to believe. Another comment on that: the receptionist told me the convention center was a walkable distance away from where we are, should be interesting. Will try to nap for one last time and then go on a walk.

Also, how great is SDs weather! Is almost December and I could be in shorts and t shirt!

I was expecting people to walk a lot slower from what I've been led to believe about the west coast but that seems to be not the case. More on that upcoming.

We're living in the Gaslamp Quarters of SD which I'm told is the hip neighborhood with the bars. But don't all receptionists say that about their neighborhood. We'll see how this develops.

4.15 Cleaned up the room, had some water got everything in order. Will rest for a bit before making any moves. Head still hurts unclear why.

8.30 Got up from a solid round of napping, hope this doesn't disrupt my evening sleep. Haha who am I kidding my sleep schedule is going to be so off.

9.22 Met up with JC who attended the contributor's summit which was actually just a party which they changed the location of to a different hotel at the last moment.

9.25 We walked for fifteen minutes to the nearby McDonald's where JC is getting sandwiches. Just got a drink because the pizza is bound to stay around for long.

10.01 Got supplies from CVS, back to our hotel, going to bed.

12.00 Went to sleep.

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