Low key diwali party on a slow day [Friday 1]

Worked from home Friday because I was very late to bed on Thursday evening and not feeling a little off my game in general. Took my sweet sweet time to get up, and started working. It was disappointing that I didn't get into my daily timetable mood and instead mostly worked off my bed (at least I posted the 2 bare posts that I did, the cause of my laziness was lack of proper discipline), but things are getting better. Morning was excessively busy with 2 two-hour meetings the afternoon was better with more room to breathe. I worked a bit on documentation at work. My meeting with the manager of me went swell, to use a very outdated word for 'pretty well'.

Cleaned up the room, and got caught up with the shit for the day in the evening after work. Shaved after only a week, which is ridiculous because only two years ago I could've gone fine for days and weeks without shaving and still look younger than the years I have on me but now if I miss a day I look like someone who's ready to jump off the Longfellow Bridge having given up on all the nice and great things Boston has to offer including clam chowder 50-cent wings Honkfest Flufffest rat-infested Asian restaurants in Allston, all the bubble tea places that have popped up everywhere the eye can see and drunk rowdy Sox fans on game day. Bleed more than I used to too. Is my skin somehow rejecting me or is something else at play that my body's not handling well anymore? I don't know and honestly, I don't know what's happening up there, but I want my body to take care of itself better internally. Please. Got a bunch of grapes and yogurt with an apple for a dinner, unsure about the nature of the party I was going to.

AP, who's been to our place a few times, had invited us to her place the last time she had come. The email invitation (!) had the time at 6.30, which is a bit on the...earlier side...for a Friday party so I figured she had plans later and was hoping something else would come up to not look like a loser who wanted to hang around after the hosts had left their party. Roommate BB suggested I go to a bar after to make myself feel better maybe I could meet some cool people too but I think he was being overly optimistic and had his self-interest in mind, because friend-of-the-house R was over too. She brought caramelized apple that she made, which was really nice of her. Every time she comes in she always has something sweet with her. The original plan was, roommate PK would go to his Halloween party after, so would roommate SM, and I would....whatever. Since roommate PK was out already, roommate SM and I took a Lyft from the liquor store (gin and tonic from SM). It took us 40 minutes to get there for what would have taken 38 minutes in the train. If you know me at all, or have read anything here you know my opinion on that matter.

In any case, the Lyft ride was way too long. The one good outcome that came out of it is I proselytized the driver against the excesses of the bourgeois vis-a-vis the housing policy, and encouraged him to make changes towards greater affordability by running for local elections or supporting candidates that have reasonable policy towards it. The app also routed us to Boston and back for a trip between two points in Cambridge, but dem computers man, who knows what's happening in there honestly.

AP lives in a dorm in an unnamed Cambridge university pursing an advanced degree in an unnamed brainy subject. Her dorm room was the roomiest I've ever seen anywhere, and easily accommodated the nine of us that were there; we could have easily taken in five more. The dorm also lets you borrow literally any movie or games DVD, and also rents you consoles to play those movies/games, for free. Is the dorm expensive? Yes. Is it worth it? Who know man, everyone's got their priorities. Was I amazed how awesome everything there was? Oh heck yeah! I joked I'd seriously consider applying to an advanced degree in the University just to live in those dorms.

AP had a half-dozen South Asian desserts, four different kinds of cheeses, fruits, Doritos, nachos, salsa, guacamole, the whole shebang. She's also a big fan of wines and had more wines than I could possibly comprehend. I filled myself on the doritos, cheeses and the desserts and I haven't been as happy and excited to see things laid out on a  table in quite a while. She has set a really high bar for hosting parties within our group and I'm not sure if we can live up to her standards. Someone said she is single, I replied I'm not afraid of single women. (This is a lie, I said something lamer, but this is for posterity, so lets pretend I'm wittier than I really am). Everyone who was there I'd seen around pretty regularly except for two folks who were affiliated with Sloan. They were both pretty cool chill and one of them had gone to the same school as roommate PK back in the day. The same gentleman also knew a very good friend of some other roommate. Such vagueness here is to preserve the privacies of all the individuals concerned and is related to the fact that even though I write these journals for myself and make it nigh-impossible for others to read them due to the snoozefest ramblings that they are, I'm aware of some interaction with real-world happenings and personalities and I don't want to be a blabber.

Roommate PK decided to not leave for his party afterwards which was great. Also as it happened, it was not a Halloween party that I had thought it was and dressed accordingly but a Tihar party and thus the South Asian sweets etcetera. No matter I just took off my Kate Space jacket which I've written about before, the deerstalker hat that makes me feel like a discount sherlock holmes and the monocle that I got from roommate CR before she left that makes me look like a private detective, and shed my halloween persona and into my irl everyday-person persona. People that didn't know me thought that's just how I dressed regularly and I had to explain to people what a ridiculous buffoon I am to have dressed for Halloween at a Tihar party.

Roommate SM left for his Halloween party dressed as a scary ghost (sadly for him, average party afterwards), and PK's friend AP (a different AP, not the organizer) left for his own Halloween party. The rest of us just talked random bs Nepalis talk when they gather, including annoying parents who show you potential partners to marry, show-offs who like their cars more than their spouses, age gap and Nepali couples, etcetera.

All in all, a solid low-key party, the kind I like the best. I hope and wish that this group, with an addition of a few more women (lets admit it it was a sausage party, as cool as it was) becomes a regular hang gang. The other gang is bleeding members left and right it'd be nice to have a stable group that's actually growing. SS's loss that she missed the party yesterday.

Left a little after 12 with the RL couple. Got off at their house from the uber and walked back home. Nice walk with PK at night when he was a little drunk. One member of the RL couple (don't know the initials sorry) really likes the Kombucha I make so handed over the last bottle of my current batch. I hope they have a good time with it.

Tried writing something at night couldn't come up with anything good, went to sleep at 2 in the morning. More lack of discipline this morning, due to which I haven't written anything for today. Need to write three posts for the day. Planning on writing the morning post right now before I leave for SBK's.

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