A lazy day and a party [Saturday 23]

Spent the day lazing around in my bed and catching up on the posts. I'm only 7 posts behind the regular schedule should be all caught up by this evening. In the evening, around 5-ish, took a shower, went with SS (Phd) to AD's place in Malden. We spent eight-ish hours their, tried spinning things, I convinced people I'm really good at Taboo by picking the easiest cards and not timing myself also spoiled it for them probably because we went through so many cards. Since JD is going to NP said bye to her and went to their place to crash. Watched a movie called Frank which was effing weird and not something I ever want to watch again because it was strange and not my type. I'm not fully onpace with weekend workouts yet but that's improving so thank god for that. Went to bed on the couch at 2-ish while the folks were still watching the movie. The sleep was not very restful and got up early this morning.

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