Pitch dark rainy day [Thursday 7]

As I write this everyone is long asleep and I've gone over the tiredness chasm and come back. Just read a couple of paragraphs of Light Fantastic, before which I read parts of Chuck Palanuik's writing guide. Spent some time working out, reading the news, twitter and youtubes. Didn't feel like doing anything productive this evening.

Spent a long time talking to roommates PK and BB, semi-roommate I was back to the house after a long time. I ate a little rice with a tonne of leftover green veggies. Tried multiple times to go to sleep, unsuccessfully. I don't really remember how I spent most of this evening, but I remember trying to be more unproductive and attempting to sleep, unsuccessfully.

The commute back home was insane. It rained in the afternoon, but that's not a good reason for it to have taken 1 hour 30 minutes for the entire trip when it takes me 35 minutes on a good day. At least I wasn't in a hurry and spent my time writing but i could have ended up really frustrated.

Work was quite productive today, got a lot of work done. Lunch was still bean salad but I ate two slices of pizza in the afternoon since they were just sitting out there in the meeting room beckoning me. I don't like to ignore the call of the cheese pizza. Kappy's cheese pizza is actually quite good perhaps I've grown to like it or always liked it but even cold pizza is quite good.

Morning commute was quite non-memorable, except I left a lot later this morning than I have been lately. Forgot to brush my teeth in the morning and roommate PK took a nice warm shower, had to wait for him to get out before brushing and leaving. Still, it wasn't worth complaining about too much. Ate the apple and the banana at work after getting, as usual.

I'm thinking of adding a couple of points to my daily to-do list because I've started getting quite good on things I actually do out of that list. Still completely ignoring the running part, but doing pretty much everything else on the dot (except the cold shower and the running parts of course). Perhaps, I'm thinking, I can force myself to talk to random people and learn to make friends that way. It'll be an interesting experiment. I know it'll be a failure, but ahh what a failure it's going to be. I want to be that kind of complete and total buffonic failure.

Watched a couple of workout videos while writing this post This post has taken me an hour to write because I keep getting distracted. I'm going to get pull-up bars soon -- I'm getting close to doing 100 pushups a day in sets of 20/30, which is quite good. After a month or so from now, when I'll be at 40*2 + 20 pushups every day in the evening on a regular basis, muscle growth will have slowed a bit, so I'll have to start working out other muscle groups to keep my insanity on. I'm thinking doing pullups would be a good idea. The other ideas I'm considering are: extra-weighted pushups, single-handed pushups, deadlifts, etc.

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