Fast moving scene describing a chase

They ran into the alleys of Indrachowk, dodging schoolchildren holding hands bicyclists annoyed bikers, drivers in tiny Indian cars, fully loaded carts supplying the stores and the mass of slow-moving evening shoppers who would get into someone's way just for the heck of it. This was all to busy, they would be eventually captured and taken back, they needed a way to hide from their pursuers.

They jumped over a vegetable hawker with a nanglo full of fresh mushrooms. The hawker swore at them, but they were far into the crowd by then. Just then, the pursuer jumped over him, not having lost sight of them. This was the final straw for the tarkariwaala. Having two young ruffians jump over you was one thing. Having an older man do the same was intolerable. He shouted Watch after my items, to the seller next to him, and set after the pursuer. The pursuer was being pursued.

Out of breath. Sharp turn right by the temple. Hard bump against the helium-ballon seller. Long jump over the sewer construction ditch. Can't keep up. Can't keep up. Sharp turn left into an alley with low-ceilinged entry into a newar courtyard, sharp turn left away from the courtyard. Entry into another courtyard, sharp turn left.

They had lost the pursuer, he couldn't keep up with their narrow turns. Someone else he couldn't keep with was the surprisingly agile vegetable seller whose chase he was not fully aware of. The new pursuer was merely steps away. You bastard, he shouted, you will jump over me? You will jump over me just like a child? You think I'm a poor vegetable seller and you can treat me like a dog! You will see what this vegetable seller will do! the pursuer billowed. He fled before the threat was complete. He was tired, getting beat up by a vegetable seller whose dignity he had besmirched seemed like a better option than dying of exhaustion. He could try talking the angry man out of his rage, maybe pay for his troubles. He would fall down soon if he kept pushing his body.

[Writing right now just for the sake of completeting the writing thing. Will write more tomorrow incluyding today's journal.]

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