Provocative speech

Daitya: Titans, supernatural beings, a race of demons and giants who always interfere with sacrifices and arc constantly at war with the gods; descendents of Diti and Kashyapa; churned the ocean of milk along with the Devatas to extract amrita; suffered loss of energy due to die poisonous fumes emitted by Vasuki; did not accept the Apsaras as wives, did not partake of the amrit and were therefore mortal, Daityas called Asuras defeated in war by the Devatas. Kaushalja prayed to them for the safety of her son Ramacandra when he went into exile gathered to witness the last battle between Rama and Ravana, defeated by the Devatas, they took protection under the wife of Bhrgu.

Brothers and sisters, we have gathered here today to gather out complaints against the Deutas. What have we done wrong to them that they besmirch our names at every opportunity they get, attack us every time they think they can gain victory over us only to run back tails behind their legs, cheat us and fool us. They are the unpious ones, those that disturb the meditation of great sages, it is they who treat the apsaras in such a pitiful manner.

When we churned the Ocean of Milk with them and were graced by the beautiful and talented Apsaras, were we not the ones who had no intention of doing any questionable acts for we have wives and families, was it not us who suggested they be given ruling status of one of the ruling realms and barring that their own realm, did we not protest against greatly and at length at the Gods' ownership of these perfect beings? Was it not them that overruled over us on giving any kind of freedom and sovereignty to them, and instead made them indentured servants in their realm? What have the ethereal shining beings that brighten up our lives done do deserve such pitiful existence obeying each and every one of Indra's thoughtless boastful actions? What has he done to deserve them?

Loud cheers from female Daityas.

We were the ones, let us remind ourselves, that Shri Ram's mother Kaushalya prayed to for the safety of her son. We were the ones who arranged for Jatayu Vibhishana Kumbhakarna to defect to their clan and their closest of families to assist him in order to keep our promise. It was us who assisted Sugriva with his battle against the great king Bali, one of our own having the name of the greatest King we have ever had, such that he became a guide to Ram. It was us who introduced Ram, indirectly to Hanuman, who assisted greatly in his quest. They make Ravan to be one of us yet they forget that he was their King, having defeated the pitiful Indra over again not really caring for the throne of Swarga because he ruled over a greater realm? Was he not the brother of a Devata himself born to their clan and raised in their kingly upbringing. Who are we but mere mortals, having been deprived of the great amirt again by the gods tricking us, bootstrapping ourselves by our actions and not counting the the cycle to elevate us. The gods immortal and seemingly limitlessly powerful have bothered us over and over and over again and we have stood against them with our dying bodies of  flesh with our wisdom and intelligence with our knowledge of the world with our belief that we will gain the ultimate victory over them for they have what they have because they were born with it. We earned what we have!

It is they who are the traitors, it is they who believe in not karma but predestined fate, it is they who look at the world with their atheistic nihilist outlook confident that they are the greatest and above all the laws and nothing can touch them. No! We shall never, ever ever get that low! We believe there is eternal justice in the Universe, that the higher powers and the Quarternary are waiting to punish them until their pitchers are brimming with the evil deeds they have done.

It is not just either. We have allies, in all the realms who support our principles even though they don't support our actions and lifestyles. Yes! We have allies in the highest of the levels deep within the palace of Indra himself, in all his realms and those of his underlings. We have allies among the Yakshas, among the apsaraas, among all beings that care for fairness and the rule of order in a Universe. The Devatas have Lorded over us for far too long, always Devata versus everyone else despite them having not done anything to deserve the position. We will dethrone them. And this time, not just us, but the entire cosmos will go against them! We will dethrone them for all eternity and create a cosmos of fairness and karma, where men ...and women...get what they deserve based on your actions not their birth, and where no central race rules them all like the devatas rule over everyone. Indra will become a commoner just like us!

Loud cheers from all daityas.

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