Day 2 of Conference [Wednesday 20]

Got up at 6-ish, wasted two hours doing nothing and just messing through my belongings creating work for the poor room cleaners. Talked to a bunch of folks all over, I should really take that down and focus on my writing instead. As a result we didn't leave on time enough to make it for breakfast, so we stopped at SD/Cali equivalent of Whole Foods. I brought three fruits: a pear, an apple and a tomato, that lasted me until the next day. We walked straight to the keynote talks, the talks were pretty great this time around too (note from the previous day: Kelsey Hightower is such an incredible awe-inspiring speaker) though again there was this confusingly long display of 5g technology by a systems company.

The talks were all great, the lunch was disappointing -- as disappointing as it could get actually it made me sad -- the final four talks at the end of the day did end in a great note. The last talk JC and I went to was extremely relevant to our work and opened our galactic brains to new possibilities that are going make our lives so much easier!

When the talks ended we were trying to figure out where we wanted to go next. I wanted to go back to the hotel and maybe attend the grand party, and JC was not sure. So we ambled around and took the longest most stupid way to the location of the party which we misread the directions to and then blamed the organizers for poor planning. The party was great, they'd reserved the entire neighborhood and you could go to any of the restaurants or bars to get buffet style food and a limited choice of drinks. JC and I unknowingly went to what was a cleaned-up stripclub that had been rebranded for the occasion. We sat there not doing much when PB called and videochatted with her for a while. Then I saw it was her birthday and congratulated her. JC wanted to go somewhere else so we walked around the block, watched a cool band play, and went to this expensive-looking restaurant for their tiny appetizer plates. The only reason we went there was because I saw a long line outside it and figured it must be something great if people were so eager to eat at it. As it happened, the two people in front of us also worked in our company. We ended up spending the next 3.5 hours having great work and innovation related conversations. It was great times. We shut down the bar (to be fair they shut down at 10.30) and all headed to our hotels, us walking in mild rain. Went to bed pretty soon after that.

It was a fun and productive and to a pretty great conference.

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