I write this the afternoon of the next day (Saturday) as i was too tired and busy to write this last night. The details of the day are more or less preserved though the excitement about the events may not be.
The morning was unmemorable -- roommate BB and PK left very early since PK has his SQL training sessions at 8am every day. They texted in our group about how the Orange line was seriously completely fucked, so avoided it and took the red line to work. The walk was rather pleasant, I'm so thankful for podcasts, but the trains were more busy than I'd anticipated.
At work, it was just another engineer and I who were working from work. The work was tiring and frustrating and I didn't want to get lunch but got too hungry after so went with the one coworker to get a subway sandwich. The subway six incher that was 6.30 was actually pretty great -- their veggie patties are nothing to be sneezed at -- and with mayo, chipotle mayo, buffalo sauce, veggie patty, lettuce tomato red onions spinach, American and Provolone cheeses, olives before toasting on an Italian bread with Herbs was a tasty sandwich that I would get from a much nicer place too. It's fun and games to make fun of Subway and I've done that myself on many occasions but this was a legitimately good piece of sandwich that I highly recommend to everyone.
Post-lunch work wasn't particularly productive either because the things that needed to work kept failing. I kept trying, until about 5.30, when the evening gang showed up. It was SS [of Allston] with her friend S [who also shares her name with SS's roommate S] who showed up first. We talked about their plans, their recent trips, how many different countries S has left in (5 countries 5 languages 2 years in Nepal over 25 years) and SS's exciting new business and artistic ventures. It was PB after that, with her Eurotour plans and NYC moving plans, and finally SBK and his cousin and roommate showed up. The full gang talked covered a lot of ground including what women want, arranged marriages, the importance of ambition in guys [my comment: owh shit, things are nooott looking good for me], peoples and persons etc and how almost all the single persons in the old group were now kind-of looking. Which is a pity because we have what we don't want, but what we want we won't get because of fundamental incompatibilities. No one actually said that but it was a takeaway of mine from the conversation and I got a little sad and disappointed at everything that's ever happened but such is life and we can't really complain about the hand we're given we just have to play the best hand out of it. Roommate PK who is usually a presence in these hangouts was notably absent due to being present in a backbay bar party with his own friends and we made fun of that and how all of us guys go wherever there are girls and vice versa. It's not primetime movie material but conversations are conversations because people need to know each other.
The balance that the headline mentions is that there was an equal number of guys and girls in the group which is a rarity in our hangouts.
I had to leave the gang at seven due to another meeting but not before inviting everyone to our party tonight and answering questions in detail about who I was meeting which was fun to answer because people don't ask me that enough so there's no opportunity hints about things that may or not be happening and they should totally be on their toes because anything can happen etcetera. What I'm saying is my life is boring and and any opportunity to imply that I'm living a more interesting life than I really am is a great opportunity.
Left at 7, before everyone else, to go to Brookline. We went to Orinoco which is an expensive Peruvian place that I don't mind paying money for, AD, JD, KS and I. KS is in Boston for a conference presentation, and it was nice catching up with her after such a long time. And to think we spent so many winters together back in the day! Black beans and rice, with fried sweet plantains is comfort food of mine, and sure I ended up paying a lot for the simple pleasures but that was what I wanted at that particular time, and it made me happy.
We dropped KS to the greenline stop, and walked back to JD's place. Watched the movie Sonu Ki Tittu ki sweety for like the fourth time or whatever and everyone enjoyed it. Some serious conversations after what we want to do with life etcetera (JD wants to make movies and videos and everyone fully supports it) I went to sleep and don't remember sleeping meaning it was goodtimes.
Need to go to Aldi to get cheese, and then post for this morning, nothing big to do really except prepare for the party this evening. Slightly drunk right now because I drank a can of beer after a really long time in celebration of CC's arrival and getting a job (she's in Boston crashing in our place rn btw, but that's another story, for today).
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