All-star hangouts [Tuesday 5]

Had an all-start gathering in our apartment this evening. The only person missing was semi-roommate I who would have made it a complete picture. We were talking about this yesterday actually, if we got a couple more people to come to our place regularly and had women in the group too we'd be exactly like friends but better. That's be great and that's something I could use to justify my late-twenties by. Semi-roommate I was gone this evening to watch a production of Rent which I believe is a play or something.

We had roommates BB, SM, PK, me, former-summer-roommate Chris, and friend-of-the-house ND. Chris was here for literally tonight, and we had to force him to be here because otherwise he was going to leave for the airport late at night to catch his 6am flight. He's a traveler, in the truest sense of the word: he doesn't stay in one place permanently, doesn't get permanent jobs, and has skills in the tourism industry, so his job is traveling and he travels and chills for fun. Right now he's apparently in a fun city in CO working on a ski-lodge where lodging is heavily subsidized, food is free, and life is good. We had our jaws open at how well he's figured it all out and I can't speak for everyone here, but there was some mild tinge of...if I may say so...jealousy... on my part. If I had any skills at all, to do anything else besides what I do, I'd do it. PK's job is going well, roommate SM's applications are getting hectic, and things are not too bad with everything else either.

I wish I'd spent more time talking to Chris earlier, but they were watching political comedy on tv and talking U.S politics and I can't stand that so I hid in my room attempting to write. Also did some solid research on Puranic and Vedic characters, and there's going to be some juicy juicy new content very soon hopefully using my newfound knowledge. Talked for an hour or two with Chris before that. Had a bread, hummus, egg and spices dinner because that's what I'd been feeling for a couple of days.

Got back from work on a pretty regular schedule, travel back wasn't very remarkable. Before leaving bought a very expensive pillow a coworker is selling because, one, supporting her, and two, as an aspiring entrepreneur it's always a good idea to encourage people like you. Everyone wins when small entrepreneurs succeed, when the efficient cleanliness of the markets is disrupted by small rag-tag team of nobodies.

Work was pretty regular, lots of meetings,  pretty fulfilling. I had my bean salad for lunch and people made fun of me for how much I'd made. I just realized that there's enough salad in there for at least two weeks worth of lunches perhaps more. Might have to start eating them for lunch and dinner both until I'm done with it. Talked to coworker KB whose pillows were being released and hung out with her over lunch as everyone excitedly came over to her and tried the samples and gave her great advice on what to do with it.

Mood was pretty reasonable at work in the morning, ate an apple and a banana, commute was fine, I actually got to work pretty reasonably on time in a long while. Bus, trains were alright and nothing worth writing home about. Got up pretty early once again, I'm beginning to think (hope maybe) that this bout of getting up early lasts entire winter because I do want to become a winter guy (today notwithstanding. It's almost midnight and I'm not in bed yet). Going to abandon the shower tonight for tomorrow morning because it's late and I just want to go to sleep.

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