The post mania an explanation

The joke about this blog and the recent mania in posts is that I'm trying to aim for mediocre, mehh, bad posts so I don't fail, while I work on getting a steady wordcount out of the door. The idea goes that once I get in the habit of writing a certain number of words every day rain or shine, it'll get easier to come up with ideas for those words and eventually the quality of writing will go up. Or be less mediocre, because mediocrity itself is a high bar.

So last month there was more meat and potatoes in my works of fiction work (and also more fiction work to begin with) than there has been this month. One of the reasons is that last month I was on a 'free mornings' schedule where I had 20/25 minutes free in the morning so there was an opportunity to be thoughtful and write what could be construed as 'good shit'. Then some weeks ago I got into a 'morning heavy' schedule so mornings got tighter. The time I had for writing the pieces got tighter, so less creativity, less content. Perhaps as an after effect of the dissatisfaction at the morning posts the afternoon posts went down too. Unclear on that but something worth exploring.

The other reason is that I've recently posted four posts daily on an almost consistent basis. This is not something new, this was what happened not rarely last month. What's different this time is that I'm making myself write the fourth post to make it a habit. So when on the way back from work I try to write small posts. On days that I miss on them, like yesterday, I make myself write something later in the day. So at this point I'm doing a morning post, a commute post (or an evening post), another piece in the evening, and then the daily journal. The added weight of the fourth post may be what's causing an imbalance in quality in recent writings. Think of this as adding extra reps to your sets / adding an extra set in your daily routine in physical work out. Your arms are bound to get sore for the first couple of days and it's understandable if the overall quality of your workout suffers until your arms heal completely. My running theory is that this is what's happening right now, but for 'writing muscles'.

In any case, the recent bout of fiction posts haven't been very inspired, not that I care about inspiration. It's about maintaining a consistent writing habit, I do need to find it fulfilling, so I guess there's that. It's unclear who I'm writing for anymore, I know why I'm writing. We'll figure this out as we go.

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