The negotiations between the deos and the danavs [1]

The corruption of Man is not an issue we are concerned with, that was never an issue! We never corrupted Man, for they were corrupt from the beginning! It was the image of the Man that was corrupt to begin with, it was you all that corrupted it, for it is in your image that you created man! If we had created man we would create them in our image, with our sense of justice, duties and responsibility, and they would never ever ever be as servile as humans are right now, they would have a better sense of responsibility and independence, like we do, the negotiator for the demons said, in a tone that barely disguised his contempt.

Man was created to be perfect. You are right man was created in our own image, in the image of the deva, but clearly if they are not acting according to the rules, according to how we designed them to as they clearly are not then that's only because they were corrupted at some point since their creation. As you can see there's a lot more violence, rape, theft, looting, unhappiness, and general malaise in the Earthly realm than it is in Swarga. If man had indeed lived according to the design, this would never have happened, therefore man has been corrupted, and it was you guys that introduced the corruption and your bullshit things, and therefore you need to be held responsible for the Earthly problems, the Swarga's chief negotiator said.

You are correct in stating that the problems of the Swarga are different to those that of humans, we are agreed in that. You are also correct in saying that there is a lot more malaise and corruption and general evil in the Earthly realm than in Swarga, we are in agreement in that. However, if you look at individual nations on earth, you will find that those that have followed our way of life, those that have lived by our principles and advice have thrived and prospered. They have done well to respect the rights of the individual, they may not worship you, but they are happy they are content, and they have learned to go their own ways that is not dependent on your guidance or interference. It is only where you have made the humans dependent on your rules and systems, enforced the order of the Swarga upon the human realm with all your ridiculous systems and divisions and arcane rules no one can seem to keep track of but only your special chosen people, that we see all the pain and suffering. So in fact we both agree in the fact there's pain and suffering on Earth that could be avoided. What we are saying is, they exist because of the interference of the Swarga and the insistence they live their lives according to your rules, instead of allowing them to live lives in accordance with the human ways, the demonic negotiator said, a lot more calm this time around.

We thank you for acknowledging the problems in the Earthly realm. We acknowledge your agreement that there is a difference in the quality of life in there and that some humans live happier, fulfilled more content lives than others. We also agree that evil and misdeeds are unevenly divided there. However, the unhappiness there is on Earth, we disagree on the cause of it. We are finally coming to the point we have been trying to make for this entire conversation. The unhappiness exists because you introduce greed, malice, sleep, lust, etcetera into the humans, they desire things of which they cannot have. They start getting jealous of their neighbors, they start desiring other man's wife, coveting the property of their own brothers and sisters. They are dissatisfied with what they have and want more. Their desire grows stronger and stronger and that is the cause of all violence and unhappiness. It is you all who are introducing those factors and it is our request for you to stop doing that, the Swarga negotiator said.

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