The negotiations between the deos and the danavs [2]

You are right, you are right in that there is evil in the world, it's unevenly divided, and that some of those evil aspects cause evil overall. Where we disagree with you all is the root of all evil. We do not think dissatisfaction and desire are the cause of evil and unhappiness. Rather, we think that it is precisely those qualities in men that have allowed them to prosper and succeed, to get them where they are now versus where they were left when they were first created. It is always dissatisfaction that leads a man, imperfect as he may be, to want to improve. It is always a desire for better conditions, a desire for happiness, that makes him chase better conditions, seek better opportunities, improve the lives of his fellow man. A man without desire or without dissatisfaction is in an eternal state of nirvana, always in ultimate bliss for he does not want or need anything. He is no different from a stone for a stone could be said to be in a perfect state of nirvana for it doesn't desire change or growth of any kind. No, the very qualities you ascribe to us, and as evil, are actually the only parts of the human psyche that help them grow and be better. In that sense, the only reason the humans have gotten as far as they have as yet is because of us and the values we have inculcated upon them, not you guys, the negotiator for the demons said.

Dissatisfaction and desire are qualities that are perhaps necessary in small quantities, but when they overwhelm your entire being, when the only cause for existence is to fulfill those very needs, they become dangerous, and that is the difference between Swarga and Earth. Here at Swarga, we know where our limits are, we know where dissatisfaction and desire must stop, we know our place, and that's the end of it. We know when what we have is good enough and we appreciate it for what it is, and live our lives as they are. The humans, not so much. No matter what you give them, no matter how good their lives are, no matter how happy they are, they need more, and more and more. The kings are not satisfied with all the riches and rivers of milk and honey and women and men and the music arts the poetry, nothing will ever satisfy them completely, they are always headed towards the next hunt, the next battle, the next country they want to conquer, the next land they want to plant their flags on. They care for only destruction and violence. This goes all the way to the poor peasant who simple as he may be, does not appreciate the fact that the King provides him with comfortable housing and food, he is complaining about how much more the King provides the lords and the soldiers, he's always scheming against his own very King. He is a part of conspiracies, secret plots and what not against the very powers that have guaranteed him food cloth and shelter and have kept him safe from the external world and the enemies. You call this achievement? No my friend, we at Swarga call this misery. The King can never be happy, he will always die a dissatisfied man. The serf or the peasant can never be happy or content. And neither will the lord or the businessperson or the soldier, everyone is chasing after what he cannot have, and even if somehow he get them, he chases after something more, something better. This is an eternal torture they're being put through, never having enough, always wanting more. And through that they're torturing each other...literally...and that is the root cause of all the violence and misery in the Earthly realm, The negotiator for Swarga said.

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