Why doing this by itself won't improve my writing

I was reading this (https://writingcooperative.com/why-just-write-is-terrible-advice-to-give-to-novice-writers-a1e0831a93fb) upto very late last night. What it says is basically this: writing is like making music but it's harder since you don't get instead feedback which can help you improve. Just like how making music is not about hitting the keys enough every day until you suddenly start playing the best music, writing is not about hitting keys on the the keyboard until your writing matches that of Stephen King. Rather, it's about discipline, learning techniques, proper feedback targeted at weaknesses and constant working reworking and editing, until your perfect a piece. Yes, writing every day or regularly even is absolutely necessary to become a good writer. No, it's in no way sufficient.

And that's enough for me right now. Just like making music needs discipline to be able to learn advanced techniques, I'm trying to put myself in a disciplined mindset so I may be more open to learning more advanced writing techniques later. As things are right now, most of the writing here is hurried, confused and honestly trash...I'm in it just for the quantity game, not quality. If I could direct some of the energy for proper non-fiction writing I might be able to repurpose them for newspaper contributions, but that hasn't happened yet so it's unclear if it'll ever happen.

Still, it's a good reminder that just bashing fingers on the keyboard is not enough. True, you need discipline, you need grit so much grit aahh. But grit and discipline will take you only so far, what I need is proper techniques to write what the reader is going to captivated by, is going to want to read my stuff over and over again. And that's clearly not happening right now. And as I've acknowledged on several occasion on this blog before, it's fine. This is not happening for quality improvements, this is for building form and discipline. Once I'm confident enough with the form and discipline (my target is that I'll consider myself a reasonably disciplined person with writing once I've been writing regularly everyday in this blog for a year), I'll start practicing more advanced techniques. I have the Chuck Palahanuik book on writing, and the tips for writing by the 'snowflake method' guy. There's the Stephen King book of course and the nanowrimo. For an upstart, these are good starts. Once I'm able to give proper time and thought to the craft of writing, and that's going to happen once I'm able to portion out a proper time just for writing everyday which is what I'm working towards with the discipline thing, I will do better. As things are right now, this is mediocrity at the best I'm fine with it and this is how things will be going forward. Suck it up.

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