Kinema update

 Quick update on Kinema, which is a Rai/Limbu fermented soy product from Southern Himalayas / Nepal basically. It's somewhat related to natto, possibly lots of shared microorganisms potentially similar micro-macro biotic effects. I was intimidated to start with it because it was unclear what was needed for it really but turns out all you need is soybeans and a warm place with some air moving...and that's it. I imagine it picks up the micro-organisms from the air and does its thing. Which makes it hella lotta easier that natto, and also since it's Nepali, feels nice, you know?

The idea is to cook one big bunch of soy, ferment them for a few days, then dehydrate the fermented kinema so that it can be stored safely without refrigeration. Powdering it would be an interesting way to incorporate into unrelated soups and veggies etcetera. Or I could use the raw product and turn it into a paste, or veggies. So many different possibilities!

The update is that I haven't yet started because no access to soybeans, but will soon be doing it. Right when I get around to doing the mush project which <sigh> hasn't started yet, I know I know, sorry, oops.

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