Realization: days that start w internet in bed are the worst

This is one of the reasons I started this blog. I wanted to keep tabs of my moods and what factors influence them. What is it that shapes the direction of my days and how they end up, whether I'm productive or lazy and disappointed, whether I'm full of energy and ready to be out in the world or shy and gloomy and moody and not wanting to meet anybody. And I've figured out some of that. It relates to...various factors, to not answer the original driving question at all, and that's alright because life is complicated.

But here's one factor I've noticed will absolutely predict what kind of day I'm going to have: whether I start the day by using the internet or the green/orange site in the bed before I start working. Because if I do, my motivation is hella low, and I have absolutely no energy to do anything. It feels to me like the days going to waste anyway. Not to say the converse is strictly true: that the days I don't do this are necessarily productive, but I can with great certainty say that days where I'm using the internet from the bed in the morning are quite likely to be not-great.

Something to consider. Perhaps no internet in bed, or in the bedroom at all entirely.

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