Trainride to work after almost 3 years!, missed breakfast, collecting old archaological finds of mine, cava lunch, dinner at Yvonne's, Primark and Blaze pizza chill, checked into Park Plaza [Mon 10]

Disclaimer: I'm writing all of this in the last week of November, because I couldn't make the writing happen on time. It's okay, I got September done, and October gonna be done in a day. Then gotta start with all of the end of the month. I'm nothing if not optimistic!

In the morning I packed my belongings and took the train to work, the first trainride to work in almost three years. Met so many of the old coworkers, and new ones! over there and it was such an overwhelming exciting experience. I've written about that quite a lot in recent days, but man I miss working with other human beings sharing the same physical space.

Missed the great breakfast they were supposed to have for us because I went to the wrong location.

During the workday collected all the old belongings I had left in my desk right before departing for VA as the covid lockdowns began in feb 2020. It seems like a totally different era, like a time preserved through Mt. Vesuvius, it was wild. I remember like it was yesterday, the last day of work in our previous office, when I put all my stuff in the locker. Sbk, Pb, Pk, Ss and possibly S were there, and we were drinking, laughing having so much fun. And man, how things have changed! Truth be told, the pandemic probably helped escalate my timeline and opened up the mindlock that was blocking me from moving out of Boston, but ugh maybe things would have been different, because I was already looking for a job in Seattle at that point and interviewing with various teams and companies? Who knows, but it was such, such interesting...feelings and emotions. Ugh. I miss those times, how innocent we were, how grounded the world was!

For lunch I went with coworkers to Cava, and had it at the office. So heavy.

After work I checked into the Park Plaza hotel, somehow the person checking me in had applied to the company of mine. In the evening we went to get dinner at Yvonne's but no drinks and everything kept coming in so quickly it was pretty riddiculous. After a quick meal, wewalked around a bit at Primark, my friend got pizza at Blaze pizza for the next day, and we went back to the hotel

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