Nine times people thought something was so very bad, and it was, maybe but maybe not?

  1.  Remember when people thought drinking was so so very bad and ruinous for your 3000 years ago? And other people thought..maybe not? And bad for health too? Turns out the perfect amount of alcohol you should be drinking they were right after all, huh?

  2. Oh how about the time people thought potatoes, potatoes!!!, of all the vegetables, were the devil's apple and eating it would give you all sorts of maladies, and it was like hell on earth? And then soon enough, it began being marketed as the end-all solution to literally all of life's problems, and governments began enforcing it on their people and people thought it went bit too far? But then this was a hardy crop and it did save people of Europe from their famines, so the potato-supporters were right after all. And now we're doubting if it's really that healthy and maybe a potato-based diet is not really better than a balanced all-round diet.

  3. All the times people and cultures across the world have gone back-and-forth between accepting prostitution as a thing that happens and needs to be tolerated, and something that shouldn't be tolerated at any cost, and have tried getting rid of it!

  4. Gambling. See how gambling's making a comeback in the US right now and there's already pushback against it? And oh how it'll soon enough get out of hand and be so strictly regulated to death? It's a cycle, repeating over and over again over the course of thousands of years!

  5. The fad of new miracle drug or new miracle herb. Has been happening for literally tens of thousands of years, people claim this new drug or herb or thing is going to change everything and opposing is like so dumb, and five years later nobody cares because it didn't really make much difference, except with some rare few drugs that Do make differences.

  6. AI. Ugh. I don't like the direction it's going to and think no good can come out of it, but maybe somebody can make it work? Who even knows?

  7. Automation. Right from the days of agriculture, to simple machines, to better metals, industrial revolution, the coomputer revolution that promised to replace people with machines, and now the AI madness and automated driving that'll take away all the jobs and give it

  8. Freedom. It's a complicated topic, but public freedom, within reasonable limits and clear boundaries that doesn't impinge on one's personal liberty without necessarily hurting others or making it real easy to hurt others seems to be a good thing? Maybe? Maybe not?

  9. Population. First, making babies was good, so so good. So people fucked like rabbits and had hella lottta kids. Then they said no bueno, and improved conditions for women, so people started having lot fewer kids because ew who even wants kids anymore, and now they're saying uh oh actually turns out more kids are good otherwise we're kinda fucked? Interesting? What's next?

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