Rain walk and Sunday gloomies, calling home for support [Sun 2]

awake late, walk to the park in the rain with friend, oats for brunch, half-assed dinner, I'm not my full self, anxiety and fear in the evening, calling home for support

Writing this on Wednesday, we're getting better at this, hurray!

I got up late on Sunday seeing as I'd slept at 3am. Listened to a bunch of podcasts, and then had oats and fruits and the rest for brunch. It was raining but walks had to be done, so A and I went on nice long walk, had intense chat as we got wet outside. God I love this life, I've truly been fortunate to have found myself in this situation! A left sometime in the afternoon, I cleaned my place slightly, watched tv, wasted so much time, and didn't write at all. I was supposed to meet my editor but didn't because I was full of anxiety and didn't want to write at all. I felt so. very. awful. I was full of fear and terror and just general gloom about life and everything. Good thing is I was aware it was the hangover and things were fine.

Called home and talked to dad in the evening, everything else worked out pretty decently.

Slept late, but it was fine I was well-rested. Got up strongly the next morning.

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