Being right always and always

Little things matter, that's what she always said not that anyone bothered to listen to her. They were all busy with all their bullshit drama and breakups and whatnot and all this time she wanted to shout at them, if only you'd listened to me when I said little things matter you wouldn't be here. Bitch. No, no, they wouldn't listen. That guy, that guy raised all the red flags right from the start. The way he slouched in the chair when he sat, the way he held his burgers the wrong way round, she knew, she knew right from the start that there was something up with the dude. Not that anyone would listen to her, no siree, everyone made fun of her for being picky and annoying yes they even said that to her face indirectly but it hurt you know it hurt she may be good at this things and may say things straight to other people's faces but she had a heart too and she was a person to and she'd get hurt too not that these people care. Nothing seemed to matter, those nihilists.

It wasn't everyday you got to see yourself be proven right again and again and again. And now three of them had had awful dates. One dude was too touchy apparently whatever that meant because...She sighed. She had tried explaining to them so many times, you never ever ever let a man get so close and comfortable to you in the first attempt, but they didn't listen did they, they were all about the hippydippy bullshit about opening yourself up and being vulnerable and all that dross random nonsense that would have made sense in 0 AD more than today. No the modern world was more rough and tough on the girls you needed to watch out your back everyone was a fucking vulture oh yes they were and maybe you'll see a guy who looks innocent and kinda acts innocent but it's just that an act to get in your pants and they're all behind the one fucking thing alll.the.time. She tried explaining them but they had just ruled her out right away hadn't they. That fucking bullshit cancel culture had gotten to her, and now that she was proven right they needed to cancel the fucking assholes that they'd went on dates to.

Not easy, always being right, noo sirreee it wasn't easy they hated you for it they thought you were a stuckup tightass bitch who's always judging people and telling them how to do everything the right way her way. They'd try explaining basic shit to her like she was a retarded child, telling her why something was like this and not like that and so and so wouldn't act like that because so and so did some bullshit or another and that meant that they were such and such etcetera. It was all hokum bullshit of course random crap they made to justify their various outrageously stupid decisions none of which made sense even to them in retrospect. But she'd live with it. And she couldn't even say I told you so later because it'd make her look like an even bigger asshole so she'd have to be like, yeaa we all make mistakes I would have made the same mistake if I were in your place don't worry oh you sweet darling and all that crap. It was awful. For once, just for one single fucking time she wanted to be able to rub on their faces about how callous and stupid and overconfident they'd been and that she was right and they were wrong and they just had to fucking admit it. Just one time. It was so so so tiring.

Cassandra had a tough life. Fucking seeing the future was more of a curse than a boon honestly.

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